+974 5078 8611
+974 5078 8611

Start-up Business Services

IHPCA offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to entrepreneurs and small business owners, whether they are in the initial startup phase or seeking assistance in growing their businesses. Our in-house experts and partner network are dedicated to helping you build the business of your dreams, providing support from start to finish.

Market research is essential for understanding your target market and shaping a successful marketing strategy. Our experts conduct thorough research to gather data that informs product development, enhances customer experience, and improves conversion rates. By understanding your customers' needs and preferences, you can gain a competitive edge and build customer loyalty.

A feasibility study evaluates the viability of a project, ensuring it is technically, financially, and legally feasible. Our team conducts comprehensive assessments to determine whether a project is worth pursuing, considering factors such as technical resources, financial implications, legal requirements, operational feasibility, and project scheduling.

A well-crafted business plan is essential for attracting investors and guiding your business strategy. Our experts help you create a detailed plan that outlines your business objectives, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational goals. Whether you're a startup or an established business, a solid business plan is crucial for success.

Choosing the right investment structure is crucial for optimizing tax efficiency and protecting your assets. Our team provides guidance on various investment structures, including individual holdings, partnerships, corporations, trusts, superannuation funds, and more. We help you evaluate the pros and cons of each structure to make informed decisions that align with your financial goals.

Navigating the company registration process in Qatar can be complex, but our experienced professionals simplify the process for you. From name reservation to drafting articles of association and obtaining trade licenses, we handle every step of the registration process efficiently. We also assist with office space arrangements and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Auditing your investments is essential for ensuring transparency and accountability. Our team conducts thorough audits to verify the accuracy and completeness of your investment records, assess valuation methods, and confirm compliance with accounting standards. We provide audit statements that address key areas such as asset existence, completeness, valuation, and rights and obligations.

We assist our valued clients in securing various Islamic bank facilities, including letters of credit, bank guarantees, overdrafts, term loans, and special COVID-19 loans. Our team leverages our network and expertise to negotiate favorable terms and streamline the debt arrangement process for your business.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand, IHPCA is your trusted partner for all your business needs. Our comprehensive services and dedicated support ensure that you have the guidance and resources you need to succeed.