+974 5078 8611
+974 5078 8611

Transaction Services

Your Transaction Services business provides a diverse set of offerings to support different stages of corporate transactions. These services encompass ventures structuring and funding, due diligence investigations, pricing policies, business valuations, privatizations, and transfers of business, among others.

Ventures Structuring and Funding This involves assisting clients in structuring joint ventures (JVs) for projects in Qatar. JVs are crucial for sharing costs and risks and increasing the chances of securing contracts. Your team helps navigate Qatari laws and regulations to ensure compliance and offers insights into the most suitable JV structure.

Due Diligence Investigations and Valuations Your experts conduct thorough due diligence investigations to verify facts and assess financial records before transactions. This process helps clients make informed decisions by reducing uncertainty and adding credibility to financial data. Valuation services ensure accurate assessments of businesses or assets involved in transactions.

Pricing Policies Your team assists in setting pricing strategies to align with business goals and market conditions. This involves considering various factors such as costs, value, demand, and competition to optimize pricing decisions and enhance profitability.

Business Valuations Providing objective and accurate evaluations of businesses is crucial for informed decision-making in transactions. Your services cover different valuation methodologies to determine the fair value of companies or assets involved.

Privatizations and Transfers of Business Your assistance extends to guiding clients through the process of establishing a legal presence in Qatar and navigating ownership regulations. This includes advising on company structures, ownership restrictions, and necessary permits or licenses.

Financial Transactions Support Your team offers support during significant corporate changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, or startups. This involves optimizing financial processes and systems to adapt to new business models efficiently.

Mergers and Acquisitions From valuation to deal structuring and execution, your experts provide comprehensive support throughout the M&A process. This includes assessing risks, evaluating financial and operational aspects, and ensuring successful deal closure.


Financial Modeling and Business Valuations Utilizing advanced financial modeling techniques, your team helps clients forecast future cash flows and assess investment opportunities. This enables informed decision-making and accurate valuation of businesses or projects.

Financial Feasibility Studies Conducting detailed feasibility studies helps clients assess the viability of projects or business ventures. Your team examines various aspects, including market potential, financial projections, and return on investment, to guide strategic planning.

Capital and Debt Restructuring In response to changing market conditions, your services include advising on restructuring capital and debt to optimize financial structures and support future growth. This involves renegotiating terms with lenders and identifying alternative financing options.

Working Capital Management Effective management of working capital is essential for maintaining liquidity and supporting daily operations. Your team helps optimize inventory, accounts receivable, and accounts payable to ensure efficient use of resources.

Public Offerings Assisting companies in raising capital through public offerings involves comprehensive planning and execution. Your services cover regulatory compliance, investor relations, and structuring offerings to maximize value for both the company and investors.

We provide you with the finest support to deal with the lifecycle, from initial planning to successful execution.